Electromagnetic Being of  Earth

               Nature is Conscious and Subliminal

      It is a simple truth that all living things exist in Unifying Field of Endless Possibilities of God’s Mind. To each it’s own. Gravitation causes dispersed matter to coalesce, and coalesced matter to remain intact with  natural convection of it’s own gravity. All beings within healthy dynamic existence of Magnetic Cosmic System, are interconnected as One Powerful Electromagnetic Field of Information or Coding – MATRIX.!It is a foundation upon which all life has evolved.
From the micro to macro cosmos, all the Tachyumship of everything is EVER INTEGRATING in ALIGNING POLARIZATIONAL MAGNETIC CODING
which is natural in its Process of Gravitational Algorithm that at its HEALTH is Optimally close to it’s Balanced Nature in every future now, which is time and space that can be measured.

In Physics: Pi number is a mathematical constant. The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159…  The density of Energy becomes stronger as Gravity has to have a constanta in module for every living organism. Because its definition relates to the circle, Pi is found in many formulae in trigonometry and geometry, especially those concerning circles, ellipses or spheres. It is also used in other branches of science such as cosmology,  fractals, thermodynamics, mechanics, electromagnetism, and practically anywhere. Precise developed Matrix of any being is Centric Energetic Well Being – Unified Gravitational Field.
      Electromagnetic Field of Earth is responsible for the proper functions of  processes of Balanced Nature, as it provides harmonious environment for the Selfsustain Mechanism and Gene matrix.
      For a human personal alignment is the best gravitational conduction, that is Brain of the body functioning.

Anything which causes any Energy Pool (physical, or non physical) to disconnect from it’s Gravitational Conduction brings dysfunctional polarization and leads to various imbalances and depressional states.